On 16 May The first round-table discussion meeting was organized in Belgrade, Serbia with the support of UNDP SRB CO. 35 national and local level DRR stakeholders participated at this event. During this round-table discussion, objectives and activities of the project were presented to the participants, as well as the local level urban DRR networking model of Croatian County Cities Platform (CCCP) and DRR activities in fYR of Macedonia. Special attention was given to the local cooperation model developed on the river-basin level in Serbia, namely in the river-basins of the Western Morava River and the Kolubara River up to now. The Draft Study on local cooperation model based on the example of the Western Morava River Basin was presented and a discussion on further networking and development of this cooperation model was conducted.
- HRV SEE URBAN 2 Beograd (PPT)
- SEE URBAN BG 16.5.2017 (PPT)
- Prezentacija CRJIPR eng (PPT)
- SEE URBAN Beograd – Sasa Spasic
- SEE URBAN 1st Round-Table MINUTES (DOC)
- SEE URBAN Round Table Agenda 16.05.2017 (PDF)
- SEE URBAN Prvi okrugli sto – Agenda (PDF)
- See Urban Sastanak SRB (DOC)
- UNDP – Z Morava (PPT)
- UNDP Studija – Zdravko 16.05.2017.