On July 2 and 3, 2018 UNDP CO organized two back-to-back events foreseen for the second and the last year of SEE Urban implementation, the 2nd roundtable discussion (RT) and Capacity Building Workshop respectively
The 2nd Round Table of July 2, 2018 was co-organized with GDCE and saw the participation of 57 emergency experts from all municipalities of Albania. Following a short resume of SEE Urban progress and achievements to date by SEE Urban Project Manager Mr. Katic, the UNDP Programme Specialist, Mr. Malkaj greeted the participants and the newly appointed General Director of GDCE, Mr. Cako. He noted that National Civil Emergency Authorities as well as municipal associations have been seen as key actors in SEE urban, as local-level co-operation and sharing of best experiences intend to contribute indirectly to the establishment and strengthening of National Platform for DRR, in line with Priority 2 of Sendai Framework 2015-2030. Mr Malkaj also made a brief summary of the SEE Urban results in Albania during the first year of Implementation. Mr Cako on his part emphasized that it is precisely the municipalities are the first to face emergency situations and depending on their scale, will have to plan and make available all their administrative, technical and financial capacities. Hence, is required by all, but especially from municipalities and prefectures, a change in their approach to reducing disaster risk and civil protection.
Subsequently the Head of GDCE Planning and Coordination Directorate, Mr. Dhima, presented the findings of the study for ‘Gap analysis of Disaster Risk Management in Albania’.
The next presentation from REC Albania representative was on the importance of community awareness on Disaster Risk Reduction, as part of EU funded Project (post 2015 floods) for Upgrading Disaster Preparedness in Albania. The second part of the meeting was dedicated to current Damage and Loss assessment practices and issues in Albania
In the capacity Building Workshop of July 3, 2018 took part (all) 65 emergency experts from all municipalities of Albania. The two topics were chosen in liaison with GDCE and they were:
– Global DRR understanding and Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.
– Urban Risk and community level DRR.
The meeting was first greeted by the Head of Association for Local Autonomy (ALA) Ms. Farrici, who is one of the two associations co-leading the Local Platform for DRR in Albania. Then followed the three presentations by SEE Urban Project Manager Mr. Katic on: Sendai and Global DRR Concept; DRR at community level; Urban Disasters Risks. All of the above topics were received with a great interest, as indicated too by the filed questionnaires; this asl due to the fact that the majority civil emergency experts are just recently hired following territorial reform and government decree of December 2015.