GENDER: Female
MOBILE: +38970317651
EMAIL: trgacevska@redcross.org.mk
Macedonian Red Cross HQ
Health and Care Coordinator
Bachelor Degree
Medical doctor – GP
Master Degree
Public Health
Working for the Macedonian Red Cross as Health and care coordinator for over 10 years.
Experienced in organization, coordination, implementation and evaluation of different health preventive programs and projects such as: for prevention of communicable and non-communicable diseases, first aid activates on national level and health protection from climate change. During the migrant crisis performed procurement of health and goods and other products as well as coordinated health prevention activities in transit centers.
Trainer for First aid, Psychosocial support and gender based violence, Healthy ageing, health and climate change etc.
Member of the interdisciplinary Commission for Climate Change and Health – chaired by the Ministry of Health and Member of commission formed by MoH for preparing a National Strategy for adaptation of Health sector towards climate changes and National action plan for Heat and Cold wave protection.
Active member of the National Committee on Climate Change etc.