MOBILE: +38971223894
EMAIL: samet@redcross.org.mk
Macedonian Red Cross HQ
Disaster Manager
Bachelor degree
History of Art and Archeology
Working in Macedonian Red Cross since 1994 as a desk officer for disaster preparedness and response. Attended and organized numerous national or international workshops, trainings, simulation exercises in the area of disaster management. In 1999 became leader of the humanitarian mission of Macedonian Red Cross in Turkey for provision of assistance to the affected population from the earthquake. In 2006 and 2007 took part of an international mission for provision of assistance to affected population from floods in Romania and Bulgaria, while in 2005 was appointed as coordinator of the WATSAN teams of Macedonian Red Cross that operated in Indonesia providing assistance to the affected population from the Tsunamis. On national level Mr. Samet is coordinator of all Macedonian Red Cross disaster management activities in the Republic of Macedonia, such as: the Bosnian crisis in 1994, Kosovo crisis in 1999, the internal conflict in Macedonia in 2001, migrant crisis, floods in Skopje 2016 and small scale disasters that affected Macedonia in the last decade such as floods, fires, heavy snow falls. In the last several years actively involved in activities for adaptation to climate change. Active member of the National Committee on Climate Change As representative of Macedonian Red Cross member of the national HQ of the Directorate for Protection and Rescue. RDRT and ERU Member. Trainer in the Disaster preparedness program in MRC for Field assessment, logistics and humanitarian aid, DRR, Hygiene promotion, Risk assessment, Disaster preparedness and response, WATSAN, VCA, DRR public awareness.